Thursday, April 17, 2008


Unidentified Inner Promptings from the Holy Spirit.

Our teaching Pastor Steve Keys challenged us this past Sunday to submit to the inner promptings of the Holy Spirit and to be obedient. This has resulted in many stories being shared of people obeying the Holy Spirit this week by stepping out of their comfort zones to touch people's lives and point them to Jesus.

I find in my life that fear is a big obstacle to obedience. Here's a great quote from Steve Shultz.

"I asked a man once, 'What if I make the wrong decision when I THINK I've heard from God?' He said, 'Son, God can do more with your mistakes than you can do with your best obedience or your best intentions.' I like to say to people,'Don't stand there - just do SOMETHING!' God will make your path straight. But just like a rocket blasting off, you have to be moving in order to be guided. You can't guide a rocket sitting on its launch pad."

Just move - Be obedient to the Holy Spirit's ignition and BLAST OFF. God can handle the rest.

artwork compliments of my son