Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Soap Box

It's that time again...We have another service opportunity coming up to help make soap at Hydromissions. This will happen on Saturday, June 14 from 9am - noon. We're able to take the first 10 volunteers! Check out the CrossRoads site to register.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Proud Dad

It's been a great week watching our children shine. Erin had her year end dance recital last Saturday afternoon. She did great! She has loved her teacher, Shanah Keyes, our pastor's daughter-in-law. Who knew we had hip-hop talent in this family?! I sure was a proud Daddy.
Ali put in her yearly garden Saturday evening. She has a real green thumb,and we love the fruits (or vegetables in this case) of her labor every year! It's hard to believe she'll be starting high school in the fall.
Quinn graduated from K-5 on Wednesday. It was a great little ceremony, and I think everyone shed a tear or two. Quinn just wiggled in his seat and was halfway to the stage when his name was called to receive the citizenship award. Who needs the science or reading award when you can be honored as the one who was a kind friend to everyone?!
We are blessed.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our hearts are so heavy as today as we think of the Chapman family as they face the tragic loss of their daughter. You can read the story here. Steven Curtis Chapman had a huge impact on our decision to adopt, and we are greiving for their family today.
On an exciting note...Long before we made the decision to adopt from China, our hearts were drawn to the country itself after reading the story of Brother Yun. We have especially been praying in light of the recent earthquakes that an open door for the Gospel would be made in the midst of tragedy. Rachel received an exciting e-mail from a foster care worker near Beijing the other day stating that she felt revival was on the way to her country. She stated that China's citizens are pulling together in a way that they never have before and seem to be open to the message of Jesus and hope. Praise God!

China Updates

You can follow Melody Zhang's blog to read about the reovery effort following the devistating earthquakes. Melody works in Beijing with our adoption agency, Children's Hope.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pray for China

As you know, because of our adoption process, a big part of our hearts is in China right now. Please join us in praying for this country as it is facing recovery from a devistating earthquake, as well as fighting a virus that is affecting thousands of children. Our prayer is that the Gospel and love of Jesus will be able to be shared with power and without restriction to many receptive hearts in this time of need.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Go Fish

I had a blast taking Alison and Quinn to the second annual Half Mile Lake neighborhood fishing derby. We had fun fishing with 19 other neighborhood kids and their families. It was a great time to meet and get to know our neighbors a little better.
Quinn came in second place for the most fish caught(with help from Alison and me). He walked away with a new fishing pole that he can't wait to use!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Thursday was the National Day of Prayer. My wife and daughter just returned from Ali's class trip to Washington, DC. A relative of ours made the comment that so many people have forgotten the beliefs and values our country was founded on...So true. I am so blessed to be part of a church body that is serious about seeking God for revival and unity in our homes, our city and our nation.
On a funny note...After veiwing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Magna Carta, etc. in the National Archives, Rachel asked Alison if it was what she expected after waiting 2 hours in line. Ali responded, "No. The movie was way better." Thank you Nicholas Cage for your contribution to making history exciting!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Is my Input affecting my Output?

I have been hit with this convicting thought recently...Is my input affecting my output?

In other words, is the time I spend in the Word affecting change in the way I live? Are my co-workers drawn to God by how I treat them? Do I love my wife, my kids and my neighors like Jesus loves them?

Is my time investment in church - listening to great sermons, raising my voice and hands in worship, spending time with other Believers - is this bringing about change to rest of my week?

I know Jesus brought about change wherever He went. Am I living as just a "head-knowledge junky?"

Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me."

I desire to walk in a relationship with Christ that affects change in my every day life and relationships.