Do you have these kind of morning too?
I woke up yesterday and my mind was going 100 miles an hour. I felt like I had run a marathon while sleeping. I couldn't get control of my mind long enough to have my quiet time with God. I tried, but Leviticus and the topic of Old Testament laws for burnt offerings was not exactly easy reading. (fyi - I am working on reading through the Bible this year.)Even praying was difficult as I thought about all the tasks I needed to accomplish that day. So I gave up on praying after about 15 seconds. What to do? Dark roast coffee!
Alison, my 14 yr. old daughter, and I jumped into my Accord to make our way to her school. I was thinking about a title for this blog when my cell phone rang. My beautiful wife had an idea for my blog title - "Called to Serve". I loved the idea. She tends to be the creative genius in our relationship. Immediately, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a few verses in Matthew 20 about serving. I couldn't wait to drop Alison off at school so I could stop and open my Bible to these verses - Matthew 20:26b - 28.
" Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must become your slave. For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many."
God is so good! He spoke to me thru His Spirit and shared that His Son, my Saviour Jesus Christ, is the ultimate example of being Called to Serve. May I be found faithful in following His example.
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