Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A New Normal

It's hard to believe a new school year has begun. Car pools to three different schools, homework, early bedtimes, early mornings...Where did summer go?! God has blessed our children with wonderful schools and wonderful teachers. Every year we're amazed at how God has cared for Ali, Erin & Quinn in this way. He is with us in our "new normal"!
God did some amazing things on our Mexico mission trip. I'll post an update & pictures soon!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Beautiful Feet

The Global Outreach Missions Team leaves this afternoon for a week of ministry in Chapala Mexico. The Holy Spirit brought this verse to my mind, and I have been meditating on it all week. It is found in Romans 10 verse 15 ..."As it is written,'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!' "

Please pray for our safety, and that we will be bold in our witness. We have a group of 23 people that will be gone August 3 - 10. We will be ministering at the local orphanage each day. We plan to attend two worship services at the local church and work on several maintenance projects for the orphanage as well as the church.

You can find out more about the ministry we are partnering with at

We will be joining another CrossRoads member already serving in Chapala, Lydia Hopkins. You can learn more about how she has been ministering this summer on her blog!

Thank you for your prayers!